What Is Rummy In Blackjack

by admin

Rummy occupies a special place in the world of playing cards and different cultures have modified the game which has led to the emergence of rummy variations. It is a unique card game that has a distinctive charm associated with it. Blackjack rummy is played with 4 to 6 decks of cards, minus the jokers. Scoring is the same as regular rummy except that aces are worth 11 points. Here are the basic rules for this type of rummy: Your dealer stands on a soft 17.

I just returned from a week in Costa Rica yesterday. I'll write about the casino scene there shortly.

New UK players only. Select Casino bonus What Is Rummy Side Bet In Blackjack offer on sign-up and deposits. Deposits of £10, £20, £50, £100 matched with a bonus What Is Rummy Side Bet In Blackjack offer of What Is Rummy Side Bet In Blackjack same value (14-day expiry). Rummy in blackjack refers to a variation of blackjack in which the bets are made against the amount of the bankroll. Rummy in the traditional version of blackjack was to be kept by the house and used to offset the advantage that players had over the casino’s dealers. It is also referred to as “rum” for short.

Most casinos in Costa Rica have no blackjack at all, claiming it is illegal. Instead, they offer a blackjack-based game called Rummy. You can find the rules on my Odds site.
What Is Rummy In BlackjackBefore you get your hopes up about all the good rules, especially early surrender, I think they don't offset the no 3-2. I'm going to start working on an analysis, but if there are any bored mathematicians on the forum, feel free join in the fun and we'll compare results.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
So do they automatically pay a 21, 1:1 I assume, or do they wait until the round is over?

So do they automatically pay a 21, 1:1 I assume, or do they wait until the round is over?

BlackjackNo. A 21-21 tie would be a push. Any winning 21 pays 1 to 1.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
You know more about this than I do but I think it's like playing SF21. In other words ................... *barf*
Do you get paid the highest rummy bonus that you qualify for, or are they cumulative?

Do you get paid the highest rummy bonus that you qualify for, or are they cumulative?

I just asked myself that as I start to work on this. Knowing how casinos usually interpret rules in their own favor, let's say the player gets only the highest bonus he is entitled to. I think this issue would come into play with a suited 7-7-7 only.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
A side analysis would be to look at the bonuses only.
This table shows my analysis for a six-deck game, assuming the player always goes for the bonus.
Bonus Pays Combinations Probability Return
Three of a kind unsuited 3 23328 0.004653 0.013960
Straight flush 3 9504 0.001896 0.005687
Three of a kind suited 5 1040 0.000207 0.001037
7-7-7 unsuited 5 1944 0.000388 0.001939
6-7-8 suited 5 864 0.000172 0.000862
Total 36680 0.007317 0.023485

I'll obviously have to take into account that the player won't always go for the bonus.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
Let me say that my rough estimate for now shows a house edge of right about 1%. I'd give it +/- 0.1%.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.

Let me say that my rough estimate for now shows a house edge of right about 1%. I'd give it +/- 0.1%.

Offhand it looks like with no blackjacks there is no way to count the game.
Rule variantsWhat

What Is A Rummy In Blackjack

The following rule variants may be encountered in Rummy.

What Is Rummy In Blackjack Game

I am confused by this rule variant : Unsuited 7-7-7 pays 3 to 1 bonus only.

What Is Rummy In Blackjack

If the general rule is: Unsuited Three of a kind pays 3 to 1 is the exception that only 7-7-7 pays 3 to 1 , and every other unsuited three of a kind pays nothing?

What Is Rummy Bet In Blackjack

Other questions: If you double and make a rummy hand, do you get paid on both bets? (ie, Double down on 5-5 and get another 5, or double 5-6 get a 4 or 7 )
Can you double the A-10 to get a 3 card 21? If not, can you hit it for a 3 card 21?
My guess is no for all of the above.